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Do bollywood actors use steroids??

Today every person wants a fit and healthy life and they do so by getting inspiration from their favourite actors. but do they know that bollywood actors use steroids. many people want to know that do bollywood actors use steroids or not. In today's blog we are going to entire process from that bollywood actors go through in order to build that bollywood physique. keep in my mind that we are not looking down on bollywood actors on taking steroids. Having an ultimate body is the part of their job and we all know that bollywood actors are the biggest influencer in the country and because they are taking steroids they setting the unrealistic body standards for men and when we watch their films we go crazy and also wanted to have that six pack abs.


Steroids is a group of compounds. it is also found in our body but now we are talking about steroids related to body building which is called Anabolic steroid. it is a steroid which helps you to grow somewhere. Anabolic steroids are synthetically made they made in labortaries to do a certain functions. now you know you read all these complicated names of steroids so you dont need to get into that so only need to know that all these steroids are either the derivative of testosterone or the derivative of human growth hormone. so when we say that body builders or bollywood actors doing steroids. they are just injecting the some amount of testostreone and some amount of human growth hormone.



When it comes to normal people they have some threshold to absorbs the protein. but if you are taking steroids then the threshold shoots up and your body is able to absorb much more protein to build muscle then an average human being.


It improves your recovery, so your body is able to take much more damage in the gym then the normal human being. for the people who does'nt take steroid they can't do gym for more than one or one and half hour for the best result but if you are taking steroids then you should have to go for two or three hours because it helps in fast recovery people get the steroids and have fast results after this prolonged workout.


Steroids also help in improve your muscle and bone density. overall it makes you a strong human being.


it is basically means growth. it helps in making your muscle very big so your body potential put on muscle mass improves fastly.


So when an actor cast in a role how does he go about the whole process of building his physique.


The first step is that they build a team which includes a steroid consultant, A trainer, A dietician. the steroid consultant designs the game plan and remember that the bollywood actors follows similar protocol as like body builders. so this protocol starts with a term called stack.

it is a basically a collection of steroids, medicines which helps in prevent all the bad effects or we can say side effects of the steroids, and pct which post cycle thereapy.

so basically steroid consultant design a stack which is a mixture of oral steroid and injectable steroid.
steroid are also classified according to how long the effect last in your body. the steroid cycle for bollywood actors last for 12-16 weeks. In this 12 to 16 weeks almost in every week they inject themselves or take pills in some time interval. so the first job of steroid consultant is to design their whole schedule according to on which day they have take injection or pills.


When you are adding these derivatives of testosterone and human growth hormone to your body. it change the biology of your body. these are external substances and when you put any external substances into your body and change the biology of your body, then it is kind of shock for your body and because your hormonal system is going absolutely crazy and because of this your may have to suffer from many side effects.


  • Face acne
  • Body acne
  • Liver Damage
  • Kidney Damage
  • Foul Breathe
  • Load on Heart
  • Hair Loss
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Deposition of chest fat
  • Disruption of hormones
  • Potential Impotence
  • Lowering of sperm count
so steroid has many adverse effect on body. steroid should not have been taken or if so then it is done in under observation and consultant and remember PCT is needed to make sure your hormone levels are stabilised after a steroid cycle.
  •  if you dependent on your trainer so assure that he have knowledge about steroid because now a days most of the trainers are not educated and don't have knowledge about steroid but are  promoting steroids at next level. they have basic knowledge and some permanent lines which they told to everyone to sell their steroid ideas. so go in deep conversation with them and check their knowledge first.

Almost all of them who do shirtless scence takes steroids but is is good for them because their income come from their image they need to set that unrealistic image . they almost forced to take steroids because they have no choice as they are getting paid in high amount  but they are influencing youth of our country.


You have to remember that Beacuse of this are youth getting into this trap of steroids and because of lack of knowledge in trainers they have to face many problems don't compare us with those bollywood actor beacuse they have their personal team for them and they almost spend lakhs on their body to look good but people from middle class can't afford this so you have know that proper knowledge and proper consultant is needed to follow the steroid cycle.

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Best of luck 



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